I think it’s difficult for men like Piper, Keller, and Carson to address the problems with authoritarianism, patriarchy, charismatic gifts, and even the bedrock of it all, determinism, without exposing themselves to unwanted scrutiny. It’s hard for Piper to call out Driscoll on misogyny when he believes women should endure physical abuse. It’s hard to call out authoritarianism when Calvinism paints a totalitarian picture of God.
To add to that, it’s hard for a media company like CT to lambast a desire for clicks and views when that’s also their bottom-line goal.
That said, I simply do not hear explorations of abuse and authoritarianism from Neo-Cal podcasters (assuming Cosper is still in the YRR camp). It is remarkable to me that Cosper is doing so. While JJ’s criticisms seem to me to be valid, I really think it’s a net positive that the podcast is diving into some taboo topics in front of such a large audience.